Got Homework?

We advocate the importance of homework in the process of improving academic achievement. Arguments, in favor of homework, fall into one of three categories: practice, preparation, or extension. Practice helps students retain the knowledge being taught during the class. As in real life, people need practice in order to get better at the things they do for a living, Just think about football players, musicians, actors, surgeons etc.  The learning skills and study habits gained through homework prepare students for higher education and the challenges of knowledge-based society - with knowledge comes innovation and innovation is the key to survive in today’s world.  Homework is an extension of the classroom experience that introduces children to the "adult" world of priorities, time management, and deadlines. Homework can also be an extension of learning at home, which allows parents to be involved.

That is precisely one argument against homework. The disparity between students from a middle-class background (study space, computer, internet access and parents who have the time and skills to help) and those students from disadvantaged backgrounds who simply don’t have the support and resources they need to complete their homework. Anti-homework advocates, such as French President Francois Hollande, insist rich kids benefit more from homework than poor kids do – that might be true, even more when the gap becomes bigger as disadvantaged students start falling behind. But getting rid of homework is not going to solve the problem.

A solution would be to lengthen the school day, but in times of budget cuts and overcrowded classrooms, after-school programs are providing the time for children to complete their homework once the school day is over. We, at the Andson Organization, are committed to helping students reach their full potential regardless of economic background, and we are doing it through our Homework Help & Tutoring program. Homework comes before playtime, so we are teaching kids that responsibilities come first. Love of learning and perseverance are values we hope to instill in hundreds of students across the Valley.  Want to know how we are doing this? Come join us for our Faces of the Future Breakfast on Tuesday, February 26 at 8 am at the Boys & Girls Club in Southern Highlands.

Here are some tips for teachers and parents...

"Teachers Homework Policy"  December 28, 2012

"Five Hot Homework Tips for Parents" January 31, 2013