Personal Finance 101 - Money Saving Tips & Tricks

We all know that saving is one of the most important steps in making sure you’re financially stable. However, it is easier said than done when you live on a tight budget that does not allow for flexibility. So, we’ve come up with five Andson-approved easy ways you can start saving today without having to sacrifice your basic needs. These small steps will help you get your savings on track to a financially secure future.

  1. Pay Yourself First: here at Andson, one of the first things we like to encourage through our financial literacy courses is to Pay Yourself First, which basically means saving some money from your income first before you start spending it.

  2. Sell your stuff: do some spring cleaning! Collect all the things you don’t use anymore, like clothes, jewelry, electronics, furniture, and even old books and DVDs. Sell them to a thrift store, pawn shop, or online through sites like Poshmark, Craigslist, and Let Go.

  3. (Try to) quit a bad habit: attempt to quit a bad habit, like drinking energy drinks, or reduce the amount you consume. You’d be surprised by how much you can save doing this!

  4. Budget your food: cut down on your weekly intake of fast food, takeout, and food delivery, like Postmates and UberEats. This is manageable if you set up a budget and stick to it. Once you set limits for yourself and write those limits down, it will be harder for you to stray from them.

  5. Coupon your life: download and use rewards apps for places you frequent like Starbucks, McDonald’s, Target, Walmart, and even Panera Bread. You can also use a coupon plug-in for browsers that will detect working coupons and sales available for use at the website you’re shopping at, like Shoptagr.