
Andson 3.0


Here at Andson, we are rethinking the idea of grants and programs. Especially those that put our team in that annual cycle of applying, hoping, and only then providing services. We don't believe that this model year-over-year can equal continued success. 

Firstly, we don’t believe the intent of  funders is to stifle or stop any well-performing NPO from continuing much needed programming. Why would a donor or grantor want to pay for a needed service one year and not the next? Funds are truly limited, and applications are ever-increasing.

The idea of capacity building is often the intent, however. Funders don’t always say it this way - as the majority of grants do prioritize collaboration and partnership - but they don’t always call for capacity specifically. When in fact that may be what they are seeking.

So, we are rethinking collaborations here at Andson. When we pilot a program - it will now be with the intent to turn it into a turnkey model, curriculum, or strategy that can be run by any agency, internally. We will strive to achieve this within 1-2 operating years moving forward.

It’s taken some time to get here. Truthfully, we wouldn’t have been able to think this way in 2010. We had to build the internal structure and our own capacities (along with data collection methodologies and many times the software) to make this happen.

Secondly, we are defining national partnerships. When we started Andson, It was to implement change for Nevada communities. Our founder Sonia Anderson believes that what we have to offer is best implemented at home first with our own team working within the community.

In the last few years, however, we have continued to develop partnerships throughout the nation. We will continue to grow those relationships, bringing more eyes back on Nevada as a leader in defining tough topics like financial education for students as early as elementary school.

So, what’s going to change? Maybe not much externally - we will continue academic and financial literacy programming. But simultaneously we are going to ensure that stakeholders are involved and building capacity to take this on. Programs need better timelines and the “handoff” should be defined up front.

It’s what’s right for our amazing stakeholders, so it’s right for Andson.


Anthony McTaggart, Co-Founder