Samantha Wayne

Samantha Wayne has been with Andson for four years. She is behind the data and system management for both the academic and financial literacy programs. Samantha (Sam for short) has her Bachelor's of Science from UNLV in Kinesiology and is dedicated to outreach in the Las Vegas community. "I am passionate about health and wellness and one day I hope I can make a difference in the chronic illness community.”

As the data and systems associate, Sam spends her time here organizing, analyzing, and inputting our most important program data. Sam also helps to manage Andson’s CRM, newsletters, and website.

"I love Andson's mission– helping others has always been a big interest of mine. I hope to further our goals as a community resource," she commented.

Sam also spends time uploading YouTube videos that are inspired by reaching out to those in the Lupus/Chronic Illness community. "If you have the right mindset I believe you can reach your goals. Your mind is a powerful thing," she said in one of her recent uploads.

Sam would like to conclude her bio by giving a shout out to her dog, Ziggy!